Thursday, January 24, 2008

As the sleep sets in...

....before the nyquil consumes me.. thoughts run through my head....

I hate feeling so numb... even when Chris holds me.. theres just no point.. and I feel myself clinging to him like a child wanting attention but theres nothing there... I want to feel again... I just keep thinking Texas would be good for me to leave and not look back.. but then I know I lose things.. and I just wish there was more...

Been sick.. tired of being sick.. want to get better and get out there...

been talking to a Dom.. and like much.. I might give him a chance... young and together we can learn.. but I dont know if I can give someone what they want or are looking for considering I'm a little messed up... but for some reason I feel like he can get it out of me...

I'm rambling and I donno.. I think nyquil is bad for you haha....

so much to do.. so little time....

im going to sleep.

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